The first issue is available! (Click on the magazine cover to download/view an online copy or you can order a hard-copy by clicking the link below the cover )
This issue has absolutely nothing t do with dabbing. This is not to say there's anything wrong with dabbing, or the motive/culture surrounding dabbing. We here at the C O L L L E C T V E want to state publicly that dabbing as a means of spending time is perfectly valid for a large number of people and those people are probably quite interesting. We would also like to state for the record that we do not dab, (with the exception of one member, who does dab obsessively every day, for a period of three months*). That is not to say that all of us may suddenly decide to start one day, but as of this issue that has not occurred.
You are probably thinking right about now, "Well what is this issue about, if not about dabbing?" Surely it could be related to dabbing in some way, could it not? The answer to this question is quite a complicated one. Certainly it would be possible to speak philosophically about dabbing and the aims of the 'dabber' as he/she continues to "dab on them"?
For the answer to this question we will have to turn our sights to the late an brilliant author David Foster Wallace and his thoughts on basketball, "The real many-willed answer to the question of just what goes through a great player's mind as he stands at the centre of a hostile crowd-noise and lines up the free-throw that will decide the game might well be: nothing at all."
We at the C O L L E C T V E S O C I E T Y believe that most things in life would benefit from a little lightheartedness, our full attention in all endeavours and solitude (it is not to be feared).
*To our knowledge he has not dabbed since that time, however he does think about dabbing with some amount of fondness and longing.